CDBS (Child Dental Benefit Schedule)
If you receive benefits such as Family Tax Benefit A payments, you can take advantage of Australian Government programs such as the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) was introduced by the federal government to provide eligible families assistance with improving oral healthcare for their child/children. The CDBS provides each child up to $1000 that can be used over a two calendar year period on a range of dental services including examinations, routine cleaning, fillings, and root canals. Please be aware that it does not cover treatment such as orthodontics, cosmetic or procedures that might need to be done in a hospital.
Here at Narangba Dental, we are a mixed billing practice. Some of our dentists will "bulk bill" this important service so that there is no out-of-pocket expense for eligible treatment and up to the provided threshold. Should there be any additional work required, all costs will be outlined and your consent obtained prior to treatment. If you are unsure about what is covered or how much of your allocation you have left to use, please give us a call and we will help answer those questions. You can also call Medicare on 132 011 or visit the Department of Human Services website.